Mage Wars > World and Lore

Beastmasters of The Straywood


Protectors of the forests of Etheria (such as The Straywood and The Bitterwood) the Beastmasters stand watch against threats such as the Darkfenne, or those who would despoil the natural world.  Working in close association with their animal allies, the Beastmasters wander the world to expand their own knowledge of the natural way of things.

Post here and let us know about your Besatmastesr.  Is he a mysterious wanderer?  Does he favor a few powerful creatures, or a vast horde of Feral Bobcats?  Does he seek out others of his kind to form an order of group?  And of course, ponder the mystery that is The Bitterwood Fox.

Could you tell us a little more about the Straywood? What were the Leafcutter Wars and who was it between?


--- Quote from: "Dragkin" post=175 ---Could you tell us a little more about the Straywood? What were the Leafcutter Wars and who was it between?
--- End quote ---

To get more of the story I will post what I have. Once I get permission to use the story bible cut outs ( Mods please post response here )

We talked it over and I understand why it got taken down. This was not the final version and it was still being worked on. I am sorry for any confusion that this caused


--- Quote from: "Dragkin" post=175 ---Could you tell us a little more about the Straywood? What were the Leafcutter Wars and who was it between?
--- End quote ---

 :woohoo: Myrmidons??  

Creepily awseome thoughts, here....I'm imagining scores of ant warriors, a human  race cursed by the gods or a horrific dark Beastmaster or Warlock.

Now THAT would be a crew for the Priestess to take on.  She has at her disposal, I believe, a gang of archers.

Let's hope that the story bible can be released soon.  But no wine should be served before its time!


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