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Messages - MrBubu

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Spells / Re: Mordok's tome
« on: February 06, 2017, 06:51:34 AM »
One problem might be that the tome is good globally speaking. Like having the option is definetely nice.
but in every particular round there is a locally better option, so it just doesn't see play. :D

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Streywood Aviary
« on: February 04, 2017, 09:58:09 AM »
Well looking at silverclawgrizzly's deck

he also runs 6 falcons, but with more big creatures.
using lots of creatures from a spawnpoint was also kind of what the Turtle Necro did last year.
I think most decks have some anti-swarm capabilities so being flexible and switching gears certainly helps.
That's what the Fang of the first moon is doing in a way.

I must say however that my own experiences are very very limited. I am mostly judging from what I see some of the more experienced people doing.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Dragonpriest
« on: February 04, 2017, 08:13:04 AM »
I like that opening Borg.
Would have to try how good it is. usually I want a surplus of clerics to keep the dragon active, but what do the other clerics do without temple to put mana on?
Going on DoR and full LoD from that point on would be possible however.

Also one might consider early Cassiel with the option of her using Remove Curse to generate mana if there are other clerics for the boss dragon

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Dragonpriest
« on: February 04, 2017, 03:06:40 AM »
I like the disciple of radiance a lot. I run 3 DoR, 2 LoD, 1 Artemis, 1 Cassiel.

Possible Openings

19: Temple + Harmonize = 5
14 +2: DoR + Remove Curse + Basilika = 8
17 +2: DoR + Remove Curse + Enchantment= 14
21+3: Dragon

But this is quite risky. With priestess you could swap one DoR with LoD in the opening what would give you enough defenses with the basilika for the first few moments.

If you can wait one more round you could go

19: Temple + Harmonize = 5
14 +2: LoD + Remove Curse + Basilika = 4
13+2: DoR + Remove Curse + Enchantment= 10
19+3: DoR + Remove Curse + Hand of BS = 14
23+4: Dragon + Dawnbreaker Ring =0

Note that you can immediately activate the dragon with one DoR, the other one can put Mana on temple and LoD + Dragon + Mage can attack with basilika whatever dared to come to you.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Dragonpriest
« on: February 03, 2017, 01:47:06 PM »
Go lighter on the clerics and add Metatron and Guardian Angel.

Why 3 Breastplates and only one staff? The staff is super good with the dragon out (or without... it's just good^^)

Also I would add more remove Curse. When playing against non-curse mages you or cassiel can cast it and giving you 2 mana

How often do you usually meditate?
Meditation amulett is 4 sbps
If you meditate 4 times you gain 12-4=8 Mana and 4 Full + 1 Quick action
Using 4 Remove Curse also costs 4 sbps and gives you 8 Mana for 4 Full actions.

If you meditate more often the amulett might be worth it.

If you can fit in divine intervention that might be good as well. Save the dragon, kidnap the enemy mage, cancel a deathlock, ...

Mages / Re: Alternate Wizard Expansion...
« on: February 03, 2017, 06:00:22 AM »
I really really like iNano's idea.
It feels like a really subtle ability which can mess up the opponents game in ways that snowball into a victory.
Afraid to see it in the hands of the likes of Charmyna or Keechjen though :D

I would maybe even allow the ability to be used before your own action phase, so you can force your opponent to act twice in a row. There might be very few situations where one would actually want to do that, but it gives more versatility without seeming to strong.

Another Idea in the chronomancer direction: (I am stating it in its bluntest form and then it can be trimmed from there)

When casting a spell or revealing an enchantment, this Mage may decide not to pay any mana. If he does so he receives some marker. During upkeep he has to pay the mana + level of the spell.

Obvious variations would be to only allow reduction by the level and require to add a fixed amount of additional costs.
Also: What happens if he cannot pay?
Lose the game?
Take as much damage as mana is missing and opponent gets that much mana?
All the mana gained is immediately used to pay off the debt and so he cannot cast anything until the debt is paid off?

Rules Discussion / Re: Tsunami pushes when things happen to the caster
« on: February 02, 2017, 06:14:42 AM »
wait so tsunami does not necessarily push in the direction it is going? that seems wrong thematically oO

Rules Discussion / Re: Eye for an Eye
« on: February 01, 2017, 04:32:22 AM »
He still gets the damage, since the damage is not coming from a flame, hydro, whatever attack but from an enchantment and thus the damage has no type

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Purge or No Purge
« on: January 31, 2017, 04:36:48 AM »
most of the time when you want to mass remove something it is curses. So use remove curse. Only problem might be the cost, but it also leaves your own stuff like rhino hide.

So most of the time i would prefer more dispel and remove curses over purge magic

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Vines Everwhere!
« on: January 28, 2017, 03:06:59 PM »
I didn't see mysteries games.
Your main plan is to kill the enemy quickly by binding him/her in a zone with the vines and the anchor, then deal damage with stranglevine and maybe some creatures. is this correct?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Tinks Angel
« on: January 27, 2017, 05:41:55 AM »
First page of what? Tried the first page of this subforum as well as the spellbook design subforum and my browser intern search returned nothing for charm.

If you know where it is, could you please just link it once for everyone?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Jimilia Proxy deck!
« on: January 24, 2017, 08:54:54 AM »
probably for the increased utility. Bleed is nice to have and so is Rot as it also fuels the Plague Master ability.

One might even consider Turghut for the range attack

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Jimilia Proxy deck!
« on: January 24, 2017, 07:37:28 AM »
So the idea is to start an early damage race? Is that why there is so little armor or defensive stuff in general?

Events / Re: What's Winning Gen Con?
« on: January 24, 2017, 07:35:46 AM »
I am kind of surprised and confused that so many see the AT Warlord as one of the frontrunners.
Somehow I feel like I am missing something big here.  :-\
Would anybody be so kind and explain to me what buffed him?

Mages / Re: Alternate Wizard Expansion...
« on: January 24, 2017, 06:47:06 AM »
The stun idea sounds reasonable, although he could use it to delay, while the wizard tower goes through his aresnal of attack spells and huginn removes all defenses.

Also this leaves me worried about the design space.

Would it be too bad if only certain spells were allowed, which could be designed with this ability in mind?

P.S. I don't think this would be to powerful in terms of "getting away from a buddy attack". Block already does that. It's more like you try to summon Water elemental, get teleported for 3x3=9 Mana and just lost 22 Mana and 6 Spellpoints. I will take that stun anytime in such a situation. put teleport on a Wand and your opponent can never bring out the big guns.

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