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Author Topic: How can i fight the FM with my BM ?  (Read 4178 times)


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How can i fight the FM with my BM ?
« on: July 08, 2013, 04:47:06 AM »
I use a lair build for my BM, but when my creatures attack the FM, they get blocked, because my opponent has got 2 dancing scimitars to block my attacks !
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Re: How can i fight the FM with my BM ?
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2013, 09:59:24 AM »
A) How does your opponent have 2 scimitars blocking you??  I thought you can only have 1 (one) Dancing Scimitar out at any given time?  It is an "equipment" and I think you can't have 2 of the SAME equipment out at the SAME time.  Maybe I am wrong or the Scimitar is an exception to the no 2 equipment that is the same rule?

B) Use the "unavoidable" enchantment, that would avoid them blocking your attacks.

C) The beastmaster has lots of creatures (esp if you are playing the Lair you can summon 3 creatures per turn) so at least 1 or more will get through the blocks, and eventually swarm the forcemaster.

D) Cast "dissolve" or "steal equipment", you can get rid of that pesky scimitar blocking you or just as fun steal it and use it as a defense or to attack.  :)
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 10:03:30 AM by cbalian »


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Re: How can i fight the FM with my BM ?
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2013, 11:01:35 AM »

You might try not using a Lair and modifying the BM build.

Master Ruprecht

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Re: How can i fight the FM with my BM ?
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2013, 12:48:20 PM »
you can indeed have only one Dancing Scimitar out (see page 20 of the 2nd edition rulebook, almost at the end)...


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Re: How can i fight the FM with my BM ?
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2013, 01:39:41 PM »
A) How does your opponent have 2 scimitars blocking you??  I thought you can only have 1 (one) Dancing Scimitar out at any given time?  It is an "equipment" and I think you can't have 2 of the SAME equipment out at the SAME time.  Maybe I am wrong or the Scimitar is an exception to the no 2 equipment that is the same rule?

B) Use the "unavoidable" enchantment, that would avoid them blocking your attacks.

C) The beastmaster has lots of creatures (esp if you are playing the Lair you can summon 3 creatures per turn) so at least 1 or more will get through the blocks, and eventually swarm the forcemaster.

D) Cast "dissolve" or "steal equipment", you can get rid of that pesky scimitar blocking you or just as fun steal it and use it as a defense or to attack.  :)

A: Correct you only get 1

B: Falcon Precision - goes a long way to get around defense

C: Supperssion Orb and Modok's Orb slow the swarm - You need card like mana prism to help reduce the drain

D: Why bother with the scimitar
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Re: How can i fight the FM with my BM ?
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2013, 02:45:06 PM »
Please note a few things regarding Dancing Scimitar in conjunction with the FM.

1. The Dancing Scimitar has an upkeep of 1. So not only does it cost the FM 5 to cast but to keep it around the FM has to spend an additional 1 each round. That's a plus to you.

2. The scimitar can only be used once per turn either for defending or for attacking for 3 dice. Not both. In 'most cases' FM builds try to overwhelm and kill their opponents as fast as possible. What this means is if they are using their scimitar to defend then that is essentially saving you from 3 dice of damage per turn. The longer you stay alive the better you will do against a FM.

3. Even if they decide to to defend with the scimitar they only do so on a 8+. So the chance of defending your attack is really only 42.67%. So more often than not will your creatures attack go through. Don't forget, regardless of a successful or unsuccessful defence, point 2 above comes into play. (You don't get hit for 3 dice of damage from the scimitar).

4. As mentioned the scimitar is a quick cast for 5 mana plus the upkeep of 1. Lets say on your end you cast a Bitterwood Fox (just as an example) which is also a quick cast (for the BM) for 5 mana and with no upkeep. So right off the bat it is essentially cheaper due to the lack of upkeep. The Bitterwood Fox can do 3 dice of damage. If you attack with the fox the FM has two choices regarding the scimitar.
a) Use the scimitar for a 42.67% chance to defend 3 dice of damage from the fox or
b) Don't use the scimitar to 'potentially' defend 3 dice of damage and then during the FMs action deal 100% guaranteed 3 dice with the scimitar to the BM. (Basic use case scenario, not taking into account possible damage mitigation like armor).

If I were the FM I would choose the latter. If they choose to defend that's a solid plus for you I'd say.

5. "But then the FM just turns around and kills my fox." A FM does a lot of damage. Galvitar, Hands of Bim Shalla, Strength Gloves, Battle Fury and so on. If they waste an entire turn attacking a fox dealing untold dice to the fox and killing it that means you were just saved all of that damage. Again this means you live longer and have a higher chance of defeating the FM.

6. "What if I'm not attacking with a fox but with a creature that has more dice to roll". Well regardless of how many dice you are attacking with the chance of them defending with the scimitar is still only 42.67%, so they need to decide is having a 42.67% chance of blocking even say 5 dice worth it? When compared to having 100% to dealing 3 dice of damage.

Essentially what I'm getting at is that if the FM is using the scimitar to block then in the majority of cases I would argue that's most likely a benefit to you as a BM.



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Re: How can i fight the FM with my BM ?
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2013, 07:38:55 PM »
Nice work alpha I was going to do something like this but did not have time at work.
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Re: How can i fight the FM with my BM ?
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2013, 07:51:43 AM »
On the last point of destroying it I wasn't saying I would necessarily bother was just point out various options if they really wanted to get rid of it.