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Topics - Doucotasisay

Pages: [1]
Strategy and Tactics / Gremlin Power
« on: July 19, 2014, 11:15:36 PM »
The best synergy with lion savagery ever has to be blue gremlins. Think about it, they cannot be hindered, they have innate fast (costs a mana, but still) and the teleport function means that nothing will stop them, from getting their charge bonus not even walls. they're pretty cheap at 7 mana and with lion savagery they have a 5 dice attack with two piercing. Any thoughts?

Strategy and Tactics / Johktari Beastmaster & Staff of the Arcanum
« on: June 30, 2014, 08:17:33 PM »
Hey folks, been playing for a while now, posting for the first time

I love the Johktari Beastmaster, innate fast is just and awesome trait for a mage. Because of this, I think Lion Savagery is her best friend, however I really dont want to lose out on Ranged +1, so I've been fooling around with the staff of the arcanum, so I can blast when I want to be out of the zone and then if i want to, I can charge in.

thoughts anyone?

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