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Messages - Drakossozh

Pages: [1]
Strategy and Tactics / Re: How best to deal with Talos?
« on: September 06, 2014, 07:42:00 PM »
My favorite is Enfeeble and Agony. Slap one of the other on him, and it should be simple to just work around it.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Sardonyx: How to use?
« on: August 22, 2014, 10:18:37 PM »
I have personally been using it as a late game finisher, but even my opponents say that they never really felt his presence on the board :( So far, it seems the consensus is that he is underwhelming and wayyy to expensive in terms of not just spell points and mana, but also life.


I was so excited to use him, but oh well.

Thanks for the welcome and quick responses guys! Guess I'm gonna have to remove that pesky dragon for something better!

More feedback would be welcome though! It'd be great to hear from a player who has managed to successfully use the Sardonyx bomb!

Strategy and Tactics / Sardonyx: How to use?
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:23:31 AM »
At level 8 and 24 Mana, Sardonyx, the first dragon of Mage Wars, is one of the most expensive creatures to put into a spellbook and into the game. Unfortunately, I don't seem to understand how to properly use him! Help?

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