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Messages - Doucotasisay

Pages: [1]
Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Weird Druid idea
« on: July 31, 2014, 10:29:48 PM »
I mean if you're going to be "dancing around avoiding the other mage and his creature a vinewhip staff to throw stuck conditions around is pretty tight. I was in a tight spot once and was able to stick about 2/3 of my friends animals. I'm thinking if he's stuck, you can have a falcon lay into him while you drop arrows onto him with a hunting bow. maybe even replace cervere with a spider and get some tainted conditions in the mix.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Ranged Staff
« on: July 20, 2014, 05:03:54 PM »
i posted this idea a few weeks ago, I'm still a big fan of taking advantage of JBM's versatility. the problem is a little lack of synergy with her other animals, and if youre within one zone anyway i always wanted to run in for a hit, (lion savagery is big for JBM)

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Gremlin Power
« on: July 20, 2014, 02:55:42 PM »
I just want you all to know how heart broken I am about my gremlins losing their lion savagery. I also checked this forum again about a third of the way through playing my deck to find that definitive answer which ruined that game for me. I weep. and go change all those lion savagerys to bear strengths

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Gremlin Power
« on: July 20, 2014, 12:03:51 PM »
That's how I was reading it, I would be way sad for that to not be the case.

The text from Gremlin says he gains the fast trait until the end of the round, and his move action is a teleport from one zone to the next whereas the Grey Wraith say he may teleport instead of taking a move action

Spells / Re: Don't you think force bash is underrated
« on: July 19, 2014, 11:43:08 PM »
i was playing against a beast master, she had a beefed up grizzly guarding her, with what i knew was a nullify on it I needed to kill her now cause this bear was scary, I QC force bash on a falcon she had sitting in a nearby zone incapacitating her bear guard, circumventing the nullify and then double struck the beast master for the win. I heart force bash.

Strategy and Tactics / Gremlin Power
« on: July 19, 2014, 11:15:36 PM »
The best synergy with lion savagery ever has to be blue gremlins. Think about it, they cannot be hindered, they have innate fast (costs a mana, but still) and the teleport function means that nothing will stop them, from getting their charge bonus not even walls. they're pretty cheap at 7 mana and with lion savagery they have a 5 dice attack with two piercing. Any thoughts?

Spells / Re: Togorath , a big fake?
« on: July 19, 2014, 03:51:10 PM »
Togy has saved me on multiple occasions, someone was after me with a beast master, had a pack of wolves on me, with togorath around i was able to kill one and absorb another, instead of taking 24 dice of damage I only took twelve, between life bond and bark skin the i got away largely unscathed, next turn he takes another wolf out, absorbs two attacks, i took another one and the beast master was on the run. hit him with a stuck from my vinewhip staff and gave him what was coming. I <3 Togy.

any idea when forged in fire cards will be on OCTGN?

I got the idea with the heart of Gravikor, sucks that its warmage only. What she really needs though is a quick action ranged attack. today i got away with her just having lion savagery and mongoose agility, a 5 dice attack with piercing plus one isnt anything to laugh it.

Strategy and Tactics / Johktari Beastmaster & Staff of the Arcanum
« on: June 30, 2014, 08:17:33 PM »
Hey folks, been playing for a while now, posting for the first time

I love the Johktari Beastmaster, innate fast is just and awesome trait for a mage. Because of this, I think Lion Savagery is her best friend, however I really dont want to lose out on Ranged +1, so I've been fooling around with the staff of the arcanum, so I can blast when I want to be out of the zone and then if i want to, I can charge in.

thoughts anyone?

Pages: [1]