Yea agree some changes needed to be made and since academy wizard with additional spells it kind of helped certain builds be possible. And the wizard did not have to choose another element school, because of the additional cards. I will say it does not feel like cheating choosing a wizard to play against others. The other schools have been greatly enhanced from all the academy, PvS and lost grimore sets making them more flexible.
I do feel wizards tower was being overly used , too powerful and something needed to be done. Not sure if they swung it too far because now I rarely see a tower out.
I said this somewhere else, I think they could of got away with making a mana cost to change the spell out of the tower keeping it's flexibility but making a bigger investment.
Personally if the school choice was still allowed in the wizard I don't think siren would ever of been a great viable option to play. Wizard would have the one up on everything besides maybe songs.
Schools most in need of help: war and mind. Both lack many options or have certain below average cards. Academy should provide some excellent options though.
Mage most in need of help: Forcemaster. She literally has the fewest ways to play of any mage I think and very few cards. She has received almost no support since her initial release. Again, Academy should fix this.
Mage I want to see expanded: Druid. Most druids I tend to see don't have much variation. Essentially the first couple of turns are almost or exactly the same. We need something that can compete with vine tree for a first round play.