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Topics - Sparkytbg

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General Discussion / What has you PSYCHED about playing mage wars!!!
« on: August 13, 2012, 03:31:13 PM »
For me I love the power that is placed in your own hands in crafting just your kind of Mage.  Do I want to play the wizard who has such a versatile spellbook that he can choice from any of the elemental schools and then also arcane.  Or do I want the priestess who has healing and great creatures like the Gray Angel, one of my favorites, and the royal archer, who is one of the best ranged creatures hands down.  I really like the open idea that a mage might want to learn a spell outside of their school.  It might cost more to learn, but you get to have a pretty wide range of spells to choice from.  Like in any kind of battle you never know what you are up against.  The Priestess can easily have a few fireballs to put down the burn on her opponents.  I really want to see all the ingenious ways people use their spells to become the victor.  I can only see Mage Wars getting better and better with more and more choices of spells and Mages.

I have been lucky enough to be one of the play testers of mages wars and I still get excited about playing each and every game.  Last year when I first saw this great game at Gencon I fell in love with it.  I have played board games and D&D like games for over 30 years.  And Mage Wars just felt right when I started playing it.  From the time I sat down at the demo to the two tournaments I played in.(I came in first and second place.  Both great well played games.)  I could not get enough of it.  Brian and the whole team are just awesome.  I have felt quite lucky to be part of such a spectacular game.

Custom Cards / Hornet Queen
« on: August 09, 2012, 09:41:10 AM »
25 mana        level 6 nature
3 Armor              12 health +2 channel unique
quick action: attack 4 dice + 12 die for poison  4-8 1 poison, 9-12 2 poison +2 piercing
Full action: 5 mana produce Hornet Drone
can only cast Hornets

Spells / Spells you would like to see
« on: August 08, 2012, 06:59:36 AM »
Following the previous Subject, I thought it would be fun to see what new spells people would like in upcoming sets.

I am a big fan of area spells, so I thought it would be great for the air mage to have some kind of multi zone storm spell.  Maybe one that goes out from the mage in one direction until it reaches the end of the board.

I would also like to see the force mage have a spell to control their one of their opponent's creature for one turn.  And maybe be able to steal a spell out of the players hand and be able to cast it or make them discard it.  

I think it would be great to see an enchant world spell that only effects your creatures.  Maybe give all of your creatures flying until end of turn or protection from fire until end of turn.

I would like to see some kind of illusions that only last one turn maybe are reinforcements to can act that turn and then dissappears.

These are some of my top picks for new spells.  What are yours?

Custom Cards / Cloud Dragon
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:18:59 AM »
mana 30        health 15                            creature Dragon
                      armor 2

full action cloud breath weapon,zone, ethereal, unavoidable 5 dice of air damage extinguish d12 5-10 push and daze 11-12 push and stun.  Can use full action usable twice a game.                                                                                                                                                      Quick action lightning claws  4 dice of air damage piercing +2 d12 4-9 daze, 10-12 stun-                     Flying, Legendary, Incorporal   Air Level7                                                                                                                                                        The storm clouds parted and your were warned.

Custom Cards / Pegasus
« on: August 06, 2012, 06:46:46 PM »
Pegasus   creature
13 mana  
                              9 health
                               2 armor

charge +2      4 attack dice
Holy 3

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