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Topics - Dapuma

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Hydra with Slow, gains Fast Trait
« on: September 29, 2012, 02:59:24 PM »
The Hydra has slow, however if it is enchanted with the Fast trait it cancels it out so it should be able to move and strike

however the melee quick action strike says counterstrike on it

So does that mean it does not have a normal melee strike while moving OR does it mean it has counterstrike on top of the normal melee action, so it could move and then use a quickaction as its attack, while enchanted with fast

General Discussion / Master Set - 6 of each card
« on: September 29, 2012, 09:05:14 AM »
What is the best way (or cheapest) way to get 6 of each card to make each deck x2

Seems like i have 6 of some cards and not of others, however i bought a core set and tome pack and seems like i only have 4 jink...seems like everyone would run 6 of those in each deck...so what is the best way to get there

Strategy and Tactics / Mana Curve
« on: September 28, 2012, 11:45:49 PM »
What is the general mana curve per game, i.e. you need to balance out your casting cost requirements through the game, so how many 1, 2, 3 cost spells should you have etc

has anyone done a mathmatical analysis of this yet?  (i am no engineer so it is not my area of expertise) just looking to know if there is a general curve for building an initial deck

or is there a % of attack spells, enchantments, incantations etc to start off with then modify from there

Would prefer to free form my first few decks and not use the starting decks, and would looking to play Tournament style (competative)


Rules Discussion / non mage creatures
« on: September 26, 2012, 11:25:41 PM »
What is considered a non mage creature

the Wizard has an epic obilisk that makes all non mage creatures have 1 mana upkeep

Does that refer to anything that you did not cast, or would some of your own creatures be non mage?

Or does that refer to any Arcane creature which would be considered a mage creature

If you specialize in Lightning, and you have Arcane, would the Lightning be considered a mage creature since it is your specialty


League / Tournament Play / Phoenix AZ
« on: September 15, 2012, 10:24:01 PM »
Anyone else plan on playing this in the Phoenix area?

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